Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin Pharmacy First Report Nov 2024
Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin is delivered by Engaging Communities Solutions CIC (ECS) and ECS recently undertook a project across its seven local Healthwatch to gather feedback from people about their knowledge and experience of Pharmacy First and other community pharmacy services.

There were a total of 141 surveys completed by people from Telford and Wrekin.
48% of people said that they had not heard of Pharmacy First at all whilst 31% said that they had heard of it and knew a lot about it. 11% knew a little about it and 10% said that although they had heard of it they did not know much about it.
90% of people rated the service that they received from Pharmacy First as being very good or good. 3% said that the service was poor and 7% gave a neutral answer.
Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin Pharmacy First Report Nov 2024