ECS (Engaging Communities Solutions CIC) Pharmacy First Report Sep 2024
Engaging Communities Solutions CIC undertook a project across the seven local Healthwatch it delivers to explore public knowledge and experience of the Pharmacy First service that was introduced in January 2024.
757 people took part in the survey, and it was found that 39% of those people had no knowledge of Pharmacy First at all.
757 people took part in the survey, and it was found that 39% of those people had no knowledge of Pharmacy First at all.

Sources of information on the service were varied but people were most likely to have heard of the service from a pharmacist including from posters in pharmacies and audio announcements in larger national chains.
Satisfaction levels amongst those who had used the service were high with 86% of people rating it as good or very good. However, there were some frustrations with the perceived limitations of the service, particularly in relation to poor signposting or an inability to treat minor ailments in those with other existing health conditions.
ECS (Engaging Communities Solutions CIC) Pharmacy First Report Sep 2024