Princess Royal Hospital Women's Services (Ward 14 Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit) - Enter & View Visit Report
We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, had privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. To find out how patients living with dementia are cared for and supported.

In 2018 concerns were raised about Maternity Services provided by the SaTH hospitals (Royal Shrewsbury, and Princess Royal - Telford), including those related to historical concerns. The visit to the Women’s Services (Gynaecology and Early Pregnancy Assessment Services (EPAS)) was in order to understand the patient experience of hospital care.
We wanted to learn about:
- The ward environment, by observing the layout of the ward and the staffing arrangements
- Peoples experiences on the ward, did they feel comfortable and were they treated with dignity and respect; interactions between staff and patients
- The experiences of patients living with Dementia, and how the staff and ward environment support these patients
- The assessment processes, and the preparations for patient discharge from hospital
- Patient’s experiences in hospital and their understanding of the arrangements for discharge
- Contributing factors that delayed a patient’s discharge from hospital
Key Findings
- Patients felt they received good care
- The staff have good relationships with their patients
- Staff work well together as a team
- Staff kept patients informed about their care and their treatment plans
- The Women’s Services is a clean, tidy and well organised area
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