Roden Hall Nursing & Residential Care Home - Enter and View Visit Report

We wanted to find out how residents dignity and independence was being respected and supported in the Care Home environment. We want to identify examples of good practices and hear about any ideas the residents or staff may have for change.


We wanted to learn about:

  • To engage with residents and service users of Roden Hall Nursing Home to understand how dignity is being respected in the care home environments
  • To observe residents and relatives/visitor’s interaction with their surroundings and with staff
  • To capture residents, relatives/visitor’s experiences and any concerns they may have or ideas for change
  • To gather views on activities, food, support provided at the home
  • How people with Dementia are supported

Key Findings

  • Residents and relatives told us they were happy with the care they or their relative received, all felt that staff and management were approachable, and issues were dealt with in a timely manner
  • Residents were more than happy with the meals on offer and if they did not like what was on the menu, they could choose an alternative
  • We observed that residents rooms were all personalised to the resident’s taste
  • Residents and relatives told us that residents choose their own daily routines
  • At the time of our visit, we found that the Home was operating a good standard of care with regard to dignity and respect
  • The report highlights the good practices we observed and shows the appreciation that the residents felt about the care they received from the Nurses and Carers which helped make it feel like a ‘home from home’
  • Residents and relatives had raised concerns about fees for the ‘new home’ due to open in 2019


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01952 739540

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