Lake View Residential Care Home - Enter and View Visit Report
We wanted to find out how dignity, respect, quality of life and independence was being respected and supported in the care environment, and how those living with Dementia are supported.
We wanted to learn about:
- How their dignity is being respected in the care environment, and how those affected by Dementia are supported to have the best life that they can
- The experiences of relatives/visitors, and any ideas they may have for change
- Observe Residents and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
- Examples of good working practice
Key Findings
- At the time of our visit to Lake View we observed that care given to residents was person-centred, which supported the dignity and respect of residents
- Residents told us “it feels like a hotel; good food and the staff are so kind and helpful”
- Family members told us they felt that the staff are “very good they make you feel part of the family; if I do have a problem it’s sorted very quickly. I can come and visit day and night, I’m always welcome”
- One resident told us they can come and go whenever they want, as long as they sign in and out. Their friends are made welcome, they even stay for lunch!
- Staff told us they feel supported by management, it’s a good place to work
- We observed some staff getting down to the residents’ level when having conversations with them; one staff member put their arm around one resident to reassure them, and the resident then gave a warm smile to the member of staff
- We observed one resident who was getting agitated being quickly, calmly and quietly distracted by a staff member with a different activity; this had the desired effect of removing the Resident’s agitation
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01952 739540