St George's Park Nursing Home - Enter & View Visit Report
The purpose of the visit was to ask residents about their views and experiences of the Care Home services.
We wanted to learn about:
- Understand how their dignity is being respected in the Nursing Care Home environment, and how those affected by dementia are supported to have the best life that they can
- The experiences of relatives/visitors
- Observe Residents and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
- Examples of good working practice
Key Findings
- Residents and relatives told us they thought the Home was ‘better now, and the staff are lovely and kind’
- Residents were seen laughing and smiling when engaging with staff. Staff encouraged residents in their activities and tasks, and cared for residents when they were upset or tired
- We observed many occasions when care was given that supported the dignity, respect and well-being of residents. The carers gave time to residents, encouraging and taking part in the conversations, and joining in activities and tasks, though on a few occasions insufficient time was given for a resident to respond to a question
- We observed carers encouraging residents to talk about their earlier memories – reminiscing about items in an activity box of the war years, ration cards, photographs etc
- Staff told us they enjoyed their job, and they felt supported by the management
- An idea using a picture introduced by a resident’s relative for monitoring resident drinks/fluids intake was also observed to be very successful in engaging relatives and friends in the care of residents
- The refurbishment undertaken in the Home gave a good impression on entering the premises. It was light and bright; furniture and furnishings have been introduced that better-meet residents’ needs
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