Lightmoor View - Enter and View Visit Report

We wanted to engage with residents to find out how their dignity and independence was being respected and supported in the Care Home environment.


We wanted to learn about:

  • How dignity was being respected in the Home
  • Residents experiences and those of relatives/visitors, and any ideas they may have for change
  • Observe Residents and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
  • Examples of good working practice

Key Findings

  • Residents appeared clean, appropriately dressed and comfortable, we saw no evidence of dignity not being respected
  • Staff were kind and friendly, addressed residents by name and appeared to have a good knowledge of the individuals in their care
  • Relatives told us that the home feels like a family. “I’m not a visitor when I come in, I’m just part of it”
  • Staff told us that it was a great team to be part of
  • We observed a member of staff ask a resident if they would like to help with the washing up in one of the lounges and the offer was enthusiastically taken up! This act demonstrates a clear understanding of how much impact small things can have to people’s lives
  • Some concerns were raised that staffing levels at the time of the visit were not typical


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01952 739540

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