Deansfield Residential Home - Enter and View Visit Report
The purpose of the visit was to ask residents about their views and experiences of the Care Homes services.
We wanted to learn about:
- Understand how residents dignity is being respected in the Home environment, and how those affected by Dementia are supported to have the best life that they can
- The experiences of relatives/visitors
- Observe residents and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
- Examples of good working practice
Key Findings
- Throughout our visit at Deansfield we observed that the residents were treated with respect and their dignity was upheld. Residents were spoken to using their chosen name, carers bent down or sat beside the resident when they were speaking with them. Carers ensured that residents were dressed in appropriate clothes to respect their dignity
- We observed a carer wearing a ‘red tabard’ giving residents their medication. We were told this was to ensure full concentration on her role. The tabard read “Do not disturb medication administration in progress”
- In the hallways, there were photos of named residents and staff. There was also a large photo display of residents at social events in the village and further afield; they all seemed happy with a smile on their faces
- Staff told us they looked forward to coming to work as it was like a big family, and they felt fully supported in their work
- Staff commented that it was a good place to work and everyone was friendly, residents liked being in the dining area so that they could talk with their friends
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01952 739540