Lake View Residential Care Home - Enter and View Visit Report
We wanted to find out how dignity, respect, quality of life and independence was being respected and supported in the care environment.
We wanted to learn about:
- Understand how dignity is being respected in the care home environment
- Experiences and those of relatives/visitors, and any ideas they may have for concern or change, and identify examples of good working practice
- Observe residents and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
Key Findings
- Most Residents and visiting relatives were happy with the care received and found many staff kind, friendly, and thoughtful. Senior care staff spoken to were positive, had a caring attitude for the residents, and wanted to provide a homely environment for them
- Residents told us they liked the Home, and we observed it was bright, generally clean, with compact personalised resident rooms, and the facilities were good; “themed areas” supporting Dementia care provided additional interest
- The staffing levels operated for the care staff was thought by some residents and visiting relatives to be lower than is needed and thus affected time available for staff supervision which impacted some resident care activities or concerns
- Occasions were observed when a small number of staff including more junior staff, ignored opportunities for interacting with residents
- The meals were described by residents as good with choices. A flexible approach supported resident likes, dislikes, and needs
- Resident activities, outings and the various facilities provided activity, stimulation and interest for residents
- Liaisons with TCAT for staff training and experience/volunteering provided benefits to all concerned, including the residents
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01952 739540