Downing House Residential Home - Enter and View Visit Report

We wanted to explore and understand how the support and care for adults with learning disability is provided with dignity, respect and safety in this Residential Home setting.


We wanted to learn about:

  • How the support and care for adults with learning disability is provided with dignity, respect and safety in this residential home setting
  • How the individual’s choice is promoted in their enablement support
  • What good practices are evident, and what may be improved
  • Explore any concerns described to Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin

Key Findings

Downing House is a purpose-built modern residential home for adults with learning disabilities, situated in the local community in Dothill, Wellington, in Telford. The house is designed providing supported “social-living units”, as well as “individual units” for the more independent. Next door there is a Day Centre that many of the residents attend on some days.

  • There is ample parking at the front with good access from car park to the building entrance for wheelchairs
  • Inside the impression was of a light, bright, clean, quiet, modern-decorated home-like building, providing different levels of independent living with care and support for the residents
  • Staff levels seemed adequate during our visits as far as we could deduce under the current arrangement, but is susceptible to normal temporary absences
  • Staff were observed engaging with residents and treated them with dignity and respect – a knock on the door preceded a request to come into their room
  • Staff help residents with cooking meals and laundry, necessary care and support where needed, as well as independent living skills and activities
  • We observed residents had a variety of meals and that unit leads know what meals and foods the residents of the unit like
  • Residents described they were happy at Downing House and some indicated the staff were good to them


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01952 739540

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