What has your experience of care been like in Telford and Shrewsbury Hospitals A&E Departments?

Channel 4 documentary programme Dispatches is airing an episode on 24 June at 9pm ‘Undercover A&E: NHS in Crisis.

The programme says

“Over two months, a Dispatches reporter has filmed secretly while working in a major NHS A&E department. The undercover footage exposes the suffering and dangers patients face on a daily basis.”

This comes on the back of a CQC report published 15 May highlighting concerns regarding A&E services in Telford and Shrewsbury. 

Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin are your health and social care champion. We make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care.

We need people to let us know about their experiences of care in the Accident and Emergency Departments at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford or the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in Shrewsbury. 

The programme says it has filmed poor care, long waits, people in pain for long periods of time, lack of dignity and internal messaging warning of shortcomings. 

“We need people to tell us their experiences of being treated in either accident and emergency department, whether the experience was poor or negative or if people found their experience to be positive and felt well cared for. We are not just here to capture the not so good but to also highlight when things are working well.” 

“We really need to get to the bottom of what services are like on a day to day basis not just on a few occasions. We can do that with peoples help in sharing their experiences. We will work with the hospital management to use your experiences, your truths to seek urgent improvements to services. We have created a short survey for people to share their experiences on.”  https://online1.snapsurveys.com/AandE_Services

Simon Fogell, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin said:

Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin are hearing so many worrying stories and accounts in the press about the state of care in Telford and Shrewsbury Hospitals from people, the Care Quality Commission and now Channel 4 Dispatches. People from Telford and Wrekin will no doubt be concerned if they need to use Accident and Emergency Services. 

It is vital that people share their stories of what care they or their loved ones received when they had to go to A&E. We need to hear from everyone, from all communities. The good, poor and not so good – they all matter. If people are struggling to be listened to by doctors,  nurses and other A&E staff over their concerns when they are using A&E, think how hard it must be if English isn’t your first language which can be the spoken language or for people who use BSL or forms of communication aides, so we particularly need to hear from communities and people for whom this is the case.

You can contact the Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin team on:

Email: info@healthwatchtelfordandwrekin.co.uk

Telephone: 01952 739540

Website: https://www.healthwatchtelfordandwrekin.co.uk/ and https://www.healthwatchtelfordandwrekin.co.uk/share-your-views

If you live in Telford and Wrekin you can let Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin know of your experience at A&E by completing our survey 


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