Telford and Wrekin community joins forces on World Suicide Prevention Day
The event on Saturday 9 September (10.30am - 3pm) has been organised by Telford & Wrekin Council, council partners, the local suicide prevention action group and those with lived experience.
A mix of music, street art, face painting, circus skills and creative activities, as well as people talking about their experience of suicide will be there.
The event aims to ‘create hope through action’ by encouraging people to reflect on how they can support someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or at risk of suicide.
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country, but suicides among teenage girls and young women have almost doubled in recent years.
Support groups will have a presence on the day and provide information about the help which is available locally and nationally for people experiencing suicidal thoughts.
People at the event will be invited to write and hang messages on a tree of hope on the day.
Councillor Kelly Middleton (Lab), Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure, Public Health and Wellbeing, Equalities and Partnerships, said:
“Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, one that can often be prevented by listening and talking to someone when in need.
“So, reach out to someone today, give them a call and ask them how they are.
“Our goal is to preventing the preventable when it comes to suicide – and we can do that by raising awareness of how asking people how they are can make a world of difference.
“We are organising this event to show how the Telford & Wrekin Community is here to help those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and supporting the most vulnerable.
"If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, come and speak with us, or pick up the phone - there is always someone there to help.”
Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin will be among the organisations to have a stall at the event. Come along and talk to us about your experiences of the care you've received!