Could your GP Practice do anything better for you?

The survey shows that some people in the borough are considerably less satisfied with their GP compared to other people’s GPs. Some patients within Telford and Wrekin are still finding it difficult to get through to the surgery on the phone, to get an appointment at a preferred time and with their GP of choice.
View the survey results on the NHS England website
These results concern Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin and Telford & Wrekin Council.
Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin, with Telford & Wrekin Council, want the residents of the borough to have the best possible service at all Telford and Wrekin GP Surgeries.
They continue to raise concerns with the NHS using your stories and experiences of accessing GP services to seek improvements in them.
Simon Fogell, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin said:
“The annual GP Patient Survey results poses more questions than it gives assurance on. Whilst providing evidence of reasonable satisfaction from some people of their GPs there are many people that are not satisfied or report difficulties in accessing appointments.
“Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin continue to receive reports that people are not satisfied with their GP. We want to hear directly from you about your own experiences of accessing your GP, the good, not so good or indifferent – they all matter.
“We will use what people tell us, their truths, to share a report with Telford & Wrekin Council, the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care System partners to show how you rate your GP service and what else people feel would improve services for them.”
Cllr Paul Watling (Lab), Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for Adult Social Care and Health Systems said:
“We know GPs are working very hard and that they are dealing with a high demand and we continue to work to provide services to help reduce the pressures on the GPs.
“As a council on the side of our residents, we want them to have the best possible services at every GP in the borough, not just at some.
“That’s why we are urging the NHS to support GP practices that our residents are not satisfied with to improve their services without delay.
“To further understand how people feel about their local GP services, our council and Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin are currently running a local survey. We are asking people to share their experiences of their local GP, in particular to rate how easy it is to access their services.
“Please take ten minutes and take part in this survey on Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin website."
If you live in Telford and Wrekin you can let Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin know of your experience with your local GP by completing our survey.
If you don’t use online services you can call us and we will support you to make sure your voice is heard about your satisfaction of your GP - 01952 739540 (our opening hours, are Monday-Friday, 10am – 4pm).
Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin will be out and about across the area popping into community groups to encourage people to fill in the surveys.