Help Shape Local Musculoskeletal Services

Local health and care organisations are asking people to share their experiences about musculoskeletal (MSK) services in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (STW) to help make positive changes for patients and staff.
MSK services provide help with problems involving muscles, bones and joints, including back and neck pain.
The MSK Transformation Programme is about strengthening community provision over the next five years to improve the care that people receive.
Kerry Robinson, the Senior Responsible Officer for the MSK Transformation Programme, said: “We want to hear from people who have used our community MSK services over the last three years so that we can learn from their experiences and design a more joined up model that best meets the needs of our population.
“Our community MSK services include a range of specialisms and departments which are delivered by a number of providers who have different ways of referring patients and running their services.
“This has led to people’s experience being different dependent on how and where they access services and patients and staff often feeling frustrated by the time it takes for patient information to be passed from one service to another, resulting in delays to care and treatment.
“By simplifying the referral process and enabling our highly skilled teams across these services to work in a more joined up model, we can improve the patient experience and ensure people can access and move through and between our MSK services more smoothly.”
The survey, which has been developed with input from patient representatives, can be found on the STW ICS website here
The survey will close on Sunday, 12th December.