Passionate about people with Dementia having the best care possible

One of our volunteers wanted to share their passion about caring for people living with Dementia.
Graphic saying 'Speak-up' from our annual report

I started to be interested in people living well with Dementia after being on Enter and View visits to residential homes, nursing homes and hospitals with Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin. I’ve been a volunteer for them for over 4 years and I’m pleased to say things are changing for people with Dementia – it’s improving at a quick pace.

I first became a Dementia friend, then I became a Dementia Champion which I have up due to health reasons. But I’m still passionate about people with Dementia having the best care possible. I also went along to an Alzheimers singing for the brain session, I was only popping in to talk to people with Dementia and the carers; needless to say, I stayed for the whole session! For me the highlight was seeing people enjoying signing, playing instruments (only small ones though); some couldn’t sing but their smiling faces or just the odd smile was amazing.

I’ve knitted Twiddle muffs and convinced my friends to help, made For – Get — Me – Not felt flower broaches and sold them and Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin also did a cake sale with the proceeds going to Karen Breeze at the Princess Royal Dementia Café.

Last year I did two Dementia courses online that gave me an in-depth learning on Dementia and the different forms and how it affects people and family friends and Carers.

Subsequently my friend, who is also a volunteer, was diagnosed with Dementia; that was difficult for her to accept and I’ve found it challenging and a steep learning curve on how it affects her and how to support her.

Next, I decided to start up a Dementia Café at a retirement living place; as many people living there have Dementia. I did this with the support of staff at Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin, combining it with my work as a Health Champion. I also received generous help with the baking from friends living there. I cannot believe how successful it was; the atmosphere was fantastic. The Memory Service gave an informative talk on diagnosing Dementia, the support they give and the role of Dementia Companions and the Alzheimer’s Society and Carers. Without their support I’m sure it wouldn’t have been so successful. Over 40 people attended and the next one is planned for the 18th April 2018, I’m hoping to hold this event every month. The feedback from people attending the Dementia Café was encouraging and continuing support was promised to develop this project.


By Janet O’Loughlin